Free Session

Once a month we have limited places available on a group call.

Select your free session for a Quantum Healing of 3D Consciousness – Raise your Vibration, release your Automatic Negative Thinking and shift into ease and flow.

Your soul knows the answer

Why you feel the way you do..

What caused you to make a decision at 2, 3 or 4 years old that you were unworthy/unsafe, and the rest just followed on from there.

What the root cause was..

Why you then made millions of microdecisions to reinforce that feeling in you..

You do not need to remember anything for this process to work

All you need to do is tune into the frequency of love and listen to the Healing.

It won't feel epic, it's simply a quiet letting go of what no longer serves you.

Scientists are understanding that everything is energy and that we are all actually vibrational beings. Each of us connected by consciousness and people respond to your vibration.

When you shift your 3D consciousness it might seem odd that people treat you better, that people start helping you, that coincidences start to happen and the universe aligns with you more. Simply let it be easier and it will be.

The Quantum Healing Guides we call in to do this work are dedicated to shift the level of consciousness on the planet. They are an energy. You don't need to believe in them for it to work.

Our Brains were hard-wired to identify "the threat" - from those days of the Sabre Tooth Tiger. Then to keep noticing the signals that the danger is there – it is called the Reticular Activation System. It's like noticing you want a new particular model of car and then you start seeing them everywhere.

Your brain is the same with the messages of "you decided you are unworthy so now we will show you lots of examples". Nowadays it’s the stress of how people perceive us, the overwhelm of work and emails.

The good news is that your soul knows the root cause and can do the healing in minutes. It's the same principle as you heal.

Life is all a reflection of the vibration you are sending out. Now as you heal using Quantum Healing the universe will bring you examples of being loved by others, being safe and being worthy. Strangers will start complementing you, family will change how they react to you and you will start manifesting.

It’s like you have stepped into a life of ease and flow.

You can still feel the full range of emotions but that the world around you is softer, easier, more in flow. You will not get so pulled into your old patterns and the programming will have shifted to ones of Ease and Flow.

The Transformation is not so you can tolerate the trauma, but instead to simply be human and let in the joy.

The Healing of the Root Causes we do in our Zoom Session:

  • Not Being Enough
  • Anxiety
  • Mania
  • Everything being a struggle
  • Loss
  • Insecurity
  • Overwhelm
  • Distrust
  • Violation
  • Loss of self
  • Judgement
  • Rejection

We then lock in the changes energetically so you can feel the shift and enjoy the benefit of the shift in consciousness from then on.

It's time to join one of our free Quantum Healing Sessions on Zoom. Sign Up below.
